
  • Mykhailo Khvesyk Institute for Demography and Life Quality Problems of the NAS of Ukraine
  • Ihor Bystriakov Institute for Demography and Life Quality Problems of the NAS of Ukraine
  • Liudmyla Levkovska Institute for Demography and Life Quality Problems of the NAS of Ukraine
  • Valerii Mandzyk Institute for Demography and Life Quality Problems of the NAS of Ukraine


resilience, institutional support, nature management, environmental sustainability, spatial development, multi-subject management, platform mechanisms


Current issues of the formation of a modern system of institutional support of resilience based on the ecological component in Ukraine are considered. Attention is focused on the development of conceptual methodological postulates aimed at creating an effective institutional environment for sustainable and resilient nature management. The purpose of the article is the formation of a modern institutional environment for nature management, which will be based on an effective combination of formal and informal institutions, which will directly or indirectly, with the help of appropriate tools, ensure the involvement of natural resources in economic circulation. The research was conducted using a complex of general scientific and special methods, which made it possible to ensure the conceptual integrity and reliability of the obtained results. With the help of abstract logical analysis method, conceptual methodological postulates on institutional support for the sustainability of resilient nature management were formed. Structural and functional analysis is used to study the functional features of institutions within the framework of resilient spatial development. Based on the modeling method, a scheme for the distribution of institutional tools by components of ensuring resilience in the natural resource sphere was developed, and the relationships between these tools were identified and visualized. The novelty of the work consists in the development of an algorithm for the implementation of institutional transformations regarding the management of territorial entities’ resilience (in terms of natural-resource / ecological component) taking into account the European experience of municipal management of spatial development. The principles of institutional transformations in resilience management, which are of a universal nature, have been improved with an interpretation in the field of natural-resource (ecological) relations. Attention is focused on the importance of forming multi-subject corporate structures of territorial development management using modern platform mechanisms. This approach makes it possible to balance the interests of various stakeholders — the state, local self-government bodies, businesses and the population, and, accordingly, to ensure a consensus regarding the directions of resilient development of territorial entities. The article also examines the issue of consolidation of financial resources in the natural and economic sphere and the mechanisms of their effective use to achieve the goals of resilient development. Innovative approaches to the management of natural resources are proposed, including their capitalization and involvement in economic circulation, taking into account environmental limitations. Conclusions have been made regarding promising directions for further research in this field, including the development of specific mechanisms for implementing relevant institutional transformations, evaluating their effectiveness in various regions of Ukraine, as well as studying the possibilities of adapting international resilience management experience to Ukrainian realities.


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Author Biographies

Mykhailo Khvesyk, Institute for Demography and Life Quality Problems of the NAS of Ukraine

Dr. Sc. (Economics), Prof., Acad. of the NAAS of Ukraine
Deputy director for scientific work

Ihor Bystriakov, Institute for Demography and Life Quality Problems of the NAS of Ukraine

Dr. Sc. (Economics), Prof., Head of Department

Liudmyla Levkovska, Institute for Demography and Life Quality Problems of the NAS of Ukraine

Dr. Sc. (Economics), Prof., Head of Department

Valerii Mandzyk, Institute for Demography and Life Quality Problems of the NAS of Ukraine

Dr. Sc. (Economics), Senior Research Fellow, leading researcher



How to Cite

Хвесик , М., Бистряков, І., Левковська, Л., & Мандзик, В. (2024). INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESILIENCE. Demography and Social Economy, 57(3), 141–158. Retrieved from



Natural resource economics