environmental safety, resiliency, nature management, socio-ecological-economic development, threats and risks, innovations, post-war recoveryAbstract
Topical issues of environmental safety for the population and territories in the system of resilient nature management are studied. The concept of environmental safety resiliency involves achieving flexibility, an adaptively specific property of the system to return to a stable state after passing bifurcation points; its ability to recover through its own resources and development factors. Under these conditions, sustainable nature management in the conditions of transformation of property relations and the post-war security system occupies a special, dominant place, since it not only significantly affects the regulation of the process of using resources, but also contributes to the greening of the space of life, reaching the potential for self-reproduction (recovery) of the national socio-ecological and economic system, taking into account the inevitability of its changes under the influence of external challenges and risks. An important methodological task is parameterization of the resiliency of the natural environment to external and internal changes. Since there are no precise methods for converting spatial information to scalar information and vice versa, certain heuristic approaches should be used. In order to optimize the process of ensuring the resiliency of environmental safety, its assessment was carried out for the regions of Ukraine and their population. This made it possible to determine the potential ecological resiliency and capacity of the territory. Since the resiliency of the region directly depends on the state of environmental safety as a whole, and on individual components of the environment (the state of atmospheric air, water, soil, the level of technogenic load, etc.), in the future, a promising direction of research will be its component-by-component analysis and determination of resiliency in the regional context in dynamics, based on the latest monitoring data, which will allow to identify in more detail and reveal the features of its formation.
The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of the process of ensuring environmental safety of the population in the system of resilient nature management through the analysis of environmental risks and assessment of the level of environmental safety resiliency in the regions of Ukraine. The novelty of the work consists in the development of theoretical approaches to understanding the process of ensuring the resiliency of environmental safety in the field of environmental management and testing the methodology for its assessment for the regions of Ukraine based on a risk-based approach. The research is based on a set of results of theoretical studies by world and domestic authors on the relevance of environmental safety resiliency processes for the field of environmental management. The principal approach is the algorithmic approach, which was used in the development of basic elements for assessing resiliency and grouping input information for the regions of Ukraine, namely, the distribution of indicators by areas of environmental management, years and territorial entities. It also made it possible to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of evaluation: a common disadvantage for all processes may be weak information support, as well as the presence of subjective expert opinion. At the same time, algorithmization makes it possible to choose the optimal and affordable way to achieve the goal based on the available base.
Attention is focused on the fact that the resiliency of environmental safety can be achieved by creating and implementing environmental innovations. They ensure rational, more economical use of natural resources involved in production, effective methods of their reproduction and reduction of harmful emissions into the environment. Therefore, their implementation will contribute to improving the efficiency of production, increasing its ecological level, improving human living conditions and will become the basis for greening of innovative development. Undoubtedly, environmental innovations, like any others, involve changes in technical equipment, technology, management, and the legal system, but their results are aimed at preventing and reducing the negative impact on the environment.
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