

social dialogue, trade unions, employers, collective agreement, minimum monthly tariff rate, minimum wage


The article is devoted to the study of the state and problems of the development of social dialogue in Ukraine in the context of the priorities of post-war development and the prospects of European integration. The study generalized approaches to understanding social dialogue within the framework of institutional theory as a collective action, the purpose of which is to control, release and expand individual action, establish and ensure compliance with the rules that determine the complex of mutual economic relations between the state, trade unions and employers’ organizations. The purpose of this article is to study the current trends of social dialogue in Ukraine and determine the main priorities of its development in the context of post-war development and prospects for European integration. The scientific novelty of the study is the substantiation of the methodological approach to the study of social dialogue within the framework of institutional theory, the determination of key trends in its development in the process of post-war development of Ukraine based on modern international approaches and in the context of the prospects of European integration, which includes the analysis of statistical and empirical data on the level of employee participation in trade unions and their coverage by collective bargaining in Ukraine and European Union countries, the number of collective agreements registered in Ukraine, indicators of employee coverage by collective agreements, etc. To achieve the defined goal, the following research methods are applied: comparative and statistical analysis of data, graphical method of presenting results — for quantitative assessment and research on indicators of social dialogue; methods of the system approach, logical analysis, induction and deduction, generalization and analogy — in the justification and development of a methodological approach to the study of social dialogue in Ukraine in the context of post-war development and prospects for European integration. On the basis of international and national statistical data, the dynamics of indicators of social dialogue in Ukraine and European Union countries were analyzed. The main problems causing insufficient effectiveness of the social dialogue are identified, the solution of which is necessary for the post-war development and European integration of Ukraine. These are: reduction in the level of worker coverage by trade unions and the narrowing scope of agreements; the concentration of most of the contractual regulation of collective labor relations in the pub lic sector, which has limited financial opportunities to increase the level of social and economic guarantees for employees; non-compliance by the government with the legally defined norms and rules of conducting social dialogue, the actual multi-year blocking of the work of the National tripartite socio-economic council; legislative changes to the approaches to determining the essence and structure of the minimum wage, including therein other components of wages, apart from the tariff part; the imposition of a legal regime of martial law with significant restrictions on the rights of workers and the activities of institutions of social dialogue.


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Author Biography

Iryna Novak, Institute for Demography and Life Quality Problems of the NAS of Ukraine

PhD (Economics), Senior Researcher



How to Cite

Новак, І. (2025). SOCIAL DIALOGUE IN THE CONTEXT OF POST-WAR DEVELOPMENT AND EUROPEAN INTEGRATION OF UKRAINE. Demography and Social Economy, 59(1), 73–93. Retrieved from



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