wage, work of equal value, equal remuneration, gender policy, gender equality, gender gap, institutional support, evaluation methodsAbstract
Further socialization of the labor market of Ukraine requires the intensification of social and labor inclusion, which reflects the process of increasing the participation of women in socially useful activities by creating conditions for the realization of their labor potential, including by ensuring equal pay for work of equal value, which determined the purpose of this publication: the formation of proposals for institutional support for equal pay for work in Ukraine based on the analysis of the gender pay gap and taking into account the progressive foreign experience of institutional support for gender equality in wages. The methodological basis are the fundamental provisions of modern economic theory in the context of finding a model for ensuring gender equality in the labor market, the institutional provision of equal pay for work of equal value; scientific achievements of foreign and domestic scientists in the direction of effective use of women’s labor potential, ensuring decent work for all. To achieve this goal, the following general and specific methods are used: the method of theoretical generalization, logical analysis in the process of studying the gender gap; systemic method to determine the approach to ensuring gender equality in remuneration with the improvement of gender policy in Ukraine; comparative analysis, synthesis and generalization, in terms of research of methodological approaches to labor evaluation from the standpoint of gender equality; methods of statistical analysis to assess the gender gap, including in wages. As a result, the institutional provision of gender equality in remuneration in Ukraine, which meets the norms of the ILO Convention No. 100 “On Equal Remuneration for Men and Women Workers for Work of Equal Value,” is further developed, with an analysis of methodological approaches to discrimination in remuneration and justification for regulatory improvement of provision of gender equality in remuneration. The study identifies Ukraine’s weak position, which increases the number of years to bridge the gender gap, which creates a number of negative consequences for Ukraine’s economy, including loss of GDP, reduced levels of savings and purchasing power. Implementation of the principles of the ILO Convention No. 100 “On Equal Remuneration for Men and Women Workers for Work of Equal Value” in Ukraine leads to the improvement of legal framework and the formation of a comprehensive system of social institutions to reduce the gender pay gap. Based on the study of foreign experience, approaches and methods of labor evaluation from the standpoint of gender equality that can be applied in Ukraine are presented. Recommendations are given for the formation of institutional support for gender equality in pay in Ukraine, which include the detection of discrimination in pay based on the introduction of forms of reporting, inspections, appeals of employees; determination of methodology and methods of assessment of equal pay for work of equal value; creation of special authorities, institutes that will deal with this issue, or expansion of the functions of existing ones; determination of the system of sanctions for employers who violate the legislation of Ukraine in terms of equal pay; coordination of regulatory and legal support regarding the definition of the categorical apparatus and the mechanism of observance of the principle of equal remuneration for work of equal value; conducting an information campaign on the protection of the rights to equal pay for work of equal value, etc.
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