gender, force structures, gender interaction, gender stereotypes, sexism, gender toleranceAbstract
The article reveals the main trends in the process of feminization of law enforcement agencies in Ukraine, the sociological study describes the features and contradictions of women’s professional activities in force structures and the state of gender stereotypes and guidelines of men and women in law enforcement agencies. The article aims to identify the socio-psychological consequences of increasing the number of women in force law enforcement agencies and the nature of the relationship between the formed views on the role and place of women in law enforcement agencies and the relationship between women and men in this professional environment. To achieve this goal, a sociological survey was conducted, during which 784 employees of law enforcement agencies of Ukraine were interviewed (46.9 % women; 52.7 % men). The novelty lies in the definition of the main types of sexism in the professional environment of law enforcement agencies, it is also established that in modern conditions of formation of the gender structure of Ukrainian law enforcement agencies, stereotypes and directives based on patriarchal notions are predominant in employees of both genders that determine the recognition of lower and more limited professional abilities of female employees, and in this regard, their auxiliary (contractual) role position in all types of professional activities of law enforcement agencies. At the same time, the tendency of transformation of gender stereotypes and attitudes is revealed, which is determined by the strengthening of egalitarianism and weakening of traditional stereotypes and attitudes of employees of both sexes. It was found that the resource of gender tolerance (when the respondent clearly indicated that gender does not matter) in force structures is in the range of 40-60 %, depending on the question. Respondents (both men and women) showed situational gender flexibility, using both traditionally male (masculine) and female (feminine) models in assessing the professional environment of law enforcement agencies for gender equality. It is determined that women rate their abilities, competence, efficiency in force structures higher than men. Characterization of the processes of feminization in force structures is necessary to make timely and adequate efforts to remove or mitigate the emerging contradictions.
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