social protection, inclusive management, social program, support programs, social innovations, social result, multi-subjectivityAbstract
The article is devoted to the search for innovative ways of updating the management mechanisms of social protection programs. The theoretical basis for substantiating the management model as a whole is an interdisciplinary theoretical-methodological basis, founded on the fundamental tenets of the concepts of social protection, social justice, social involvement, as well as high-level management theories (governance theories). The hypothesis of the research, which became the reason for writing this article, was the assumption that the complexity and multidimensionality of the social sphere needs to be provided by an appropriate multidimensional model of management. It is this kind of multidimensional (or multi-subject) management, using modern innovative approaches, that seems to give advantages and increase the effectiveness of social programs. The purpose of this article is to develop methodological principles for building an innovative model of social program implementation, based on the principles of multi-subject management, aimed at achieving a balanced distribution of powers and responsibilities of interested subjects of various levels and their inclusive interaction. To substantiate the main theses and conclusions of the article, a complex of analytical methods was used, including synthesis and analysis of available sources of information, logical framework analysis of problems and their possible solutions, the method of comparisons and analogies for adapting existing experience to real conditions in Ukraine. As examples of successful implementation of social programs and projects based on multi-subject management, the experience of implementation of EU programs, as well as the relevant experience of some countries of North and South America, was used. The article offers the author’s interpretation of the essence of multi-subject management in the field of social protection and develops its basic three-dimensional model. The analysis of many sources of information made it possible to propose general innovative mechanisms for implementing the principles of multi-level management, namely those related to the information support of the management process. Based on the assessment of the current situation on the labor market of Ukraine, the prospects for its development, a set of expected problems that will need to be solved is formulated and a list of specific measures and mechanisms is proposed that will ensure the effective interaction of various management entities in the process of implementing support programs for the unemployed and individuals who are looking for work. Particular emphasis is placed on the aspects of inclusive management, and in this regard, proposals regarding the mechanism of involving the unemployed and employers in the management process are considered in more detail.
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