demographic processes, urbanization, housing construction, housing needs, population, rural areasAbstract
It is substantiated within the article that the course of urban processes, high level of mortality, migration, income differentiation of the population of Ukraine affects housing construction, housing sector, as the number of urban residents is declining more slowly than the number of residents of small cities, villages and settlements due to a lower level of natural population decline and migratory growth, stimulating the demand for housing in cities. The purpose of the article is to systematize the factors of interaction of housing construction, demographic and urban processes in Ukraine, and substantiate the corrective measures of housing policy to prevent the negative effects of urbanization. The scheme of the impact of the processes of urbanization, natural increase of the population of the need satisfaction for habitation on housing construction is developed. In the process of using the questionnaire method, it is substantiated that the level of satisfaction of needs (including housing needs) in rural areas is much lower than in the city. The study made it possible to conclude that with declining incomes of population, sales of country houses are declining; studio-apartments and one-and two-bedroom apartments are beginning to be in greater demand in new buildings. It is determined that meeting the need for housing involves solving such tasks as: increasing the volume of housing construction, reducing the failing housing stock, carrying out quality overhaul of housing, development of the mortgage market and rental market, etc. Measures to stimulate housing construction and housing repair as a corrective factor in the equalization of urban processes in Ukraine in order to reduce the environmental burden on megapolis, cities, as well as equalizing the level of population density in Ukraine are developed. It is argued that within the program of social responsibility of construction business, it is advisable to stimulate construction companies, to repair failing housing at the state level with the establishment of standards individually for rural and urban areas with the active use of legal, financial instruments, state subsidies to developers, who implement projects on the development of urban and rural areas to reimburse the costs of repairs, redevelopment of failing housing.
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