бар’єри розвитку, інноваційна активність, інноваційний розвиток, сприйняття інновацій, цінностіAbstract
The article considers the problems of forming and affirming the values of innovative development as new opportunities for development for the state, business and individual households. The need to accelerate the socioeconomic development of the country on an innovative basis through their perception in society as values and means of minimizing the risks of technical and technological backwardness of Ukraine from European countries has led to the relevance of the article. The purpose of the article is to assess the public perception of the values of innovative development of the country, identify barriers to innovation in the country, and identify areas to minimize their impact in the future. The novelty is the results of generalization of the conditions necessary for the transformation of the guidelines of innovative development into values, which are guided by different actors when choosing a model of behavior in the market or in specific life situations. The following research methods are used: system analysis, scientific generalization and comparison, economic and statistical analysis. Against the background of low world rating positions of Ukraine on the innovation index, uneven implementation in various sectors of the economy, funding of science on a residual basis and the decline of its prestige, it is problematic to spread the values of innovation development among management, small and medium sized businesses and individual households. In Ukraine, a positive public perception of innovation, openness to the achievements of science and technology is combined with skepticism about their role in everyday life, the idea of dependence on scientific achievements, which can change the perception of right and wrong in everyone’s life. Institutional distrust in Ukrainian society in a chain reaction increases distrust in the results of innovation, especially research. State support for innovation in the country remains weak. The article identifies the main barriers to the positive perception of innovation by society as values formed due to the inefficiency of state regulation of innovative activities of business structures, the lack of a concept for solving the problems of innovative development in the future, limited consumer strategies. The main models of stimulating innovative development used in world practice are considered from the point of view of influence on these processes, their target landmarks, advantages and disadvantages are singled out. Th rough the eff orts of the state, business and the public, Ukraine should develop a European model of stimulating innovative development, changing the modern format of interaction of subjects to a more productive one on the basis of trust, partnership and responsibility.
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