social capital, self-organization, social norms, civil society, transformation of societyAbstract
The article deals with modern features of self-organization of population in Ukraine from the point of view of accumulation of social capital. The purpose of the article is to identify the characteristics of the infl uence of self-organization on the development of social capital, taking into account the directions of modern transformational changes in Ukrainian society. Research methods: general scientifi c methods of analysis and synthesis are used to collect, process and systematize research results; abstract-logical to establish the relationship between self-organization and social capital; statistical to collect and systematize data; comparison method - to identify whether the dynamics of various forms of self-organization correspond to the needs of society; induction and deduction - to justify the prerequisites for strengthening social capital through self-organization. The basic theoretical approaches to the interconnection of the concepts of social capital and self-organization of the population are summarized. On the basis of generalizations, a scheme of infl uence of self-organization on the accumulation of social capital is developed, which refl ects the ways of accumulation of social capital and determinants of self-organization. The interconnection of the concepts of selforganization of the population and its social capital, which is realized through the norms of interaction, character of values and structure of civic involvement, is established. It is proved that the presence of a suffi cient level of social capital, manifested in trust, solidarity, identity and responsibility, is one of the main determinants of self-organization. The levels of selforganization of the population are distinguished with the identifi cation of peculiarities of in fl uence of social capital on each of them. The i nfl uence of modern basic structural transformations in society on the self-organization of the population in the context of social capital accumulation is evaluated. The c lassifi cation of forms of self-organization on the basis of association (production and consumer interests, values, territory of residence, volume and speed of threats) is carried out. The dynamics of the main forms of self-organization of the population are analyzed and it is found that it refl ects the transformations in the society that are under the infl uence of reforms, but its volumes do not meet the needs of public activity of the population and are not the result of a suffi cient level of social capital, but rather a response to contemporary challenges in society. The prerequisites for strengthening social capital through self-organization, which include identifying and supporting initiative groups of the population, forming a system of feedback from the authorities with the public, professionalizing and expanding the subjects of social dialogue, securing against formalization and creating transparent conditions for the activities of diff erent forms of self-organization, are substantiated, upgrading the skills of civil servants through the formation of public relations competencies.
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