population behavioral strategies, «rural» behavioral characteristics, quality of life, poverty by absolute criterion for costs below the actual subsistence minimum, impact of war on quality of lifeAbstract
The purpose of the article is to analyse and understand how «rural» behavioural aspects of the Ukrainian population influence the perception and adaptation to the conditions of armed conflict. The novelty of the study lies in the analysis of those rural behavioural aspects that are common to the entire population and may impact adaptation strategies and the improvement of quality of life during military events. In the context of modern conflicts and war scenarios, the study of population behaviour and its impact on the resilience of quality of life becomes particularly significant. Military conflicts not only threaten the safety and stability of society but also sharply increase the importance of understanding population behavioural aspects in the conditions of armed conflict and their impact on the quality of life. The examination of population behaviour during an extreme period of armed conflict potentially provides answers to how effectively the Ukrainian population can adapt to economic difficulties and overcome them.
For the investigation of the impact of «rural» behavioural aspects on the quality of life of the population in Ukraine, a combination of specialized and general scientific methods was employed. These include the monographic method, bibliometrics, and content analysis. Additionally, forecasting and modelling methods were utilized to predict the impact of fullscale military actions on poverty, a key indicator of quality of life. After the conducted research, it can be noted that in the conditions of a full-scale invasion by Russian forces, the «rural» behavioural characteristics of Ukrainians exhibit numerous advantages, arising from the close interaction between rural and urban existence. It is demonstrated that a potentially significant portion of the country’s population, particularly those of rural origin, possesses skills in land management. The presence of relatives in villages and small towns, who have large living spaces and substantial land plots, enabled the acceptance of many forcibly displaced individuals during the war. The study confirms that behavioural traits such as the tradition of stockpiling food supplies, maintaining habitable housing conditions in rural areas, and the existence of close familial and social ties have significantly mitigated the impact of the war on the population.
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