Demography and social economy <p><strong>Сo-founders</strong>: the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute for Demography and Life Quality Problems of the NAS of Ukraine</p> <p><strong>Publisher and manufakturer:</strong> Akademperiodyka Publishing House</p> <p>The journal is <strong>published four times annually</strong> according to the letter of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine № 5680/3070-33-20/19.3.2 as of February 6, 2020 about the registration of the permit in the State Register of print media and news agencies as subjects of information activity.</p> <p>Articles are published in <strong>Ukrainian</strong> and <strong>English</strong> (according to the author's original text) and have annotations in two listed languages.</p> <p>On February 13, 2009, the journal "Demography and Social Economy" was assigned the International Standard Serial Number for paper version<strong> ISSN 2072-9480</strong> (<strong>Print</strong>); in 2013 – for the electronic version<strong> ISSN 2309-2351</strong> (<strong>Online</strong>).</p> <p><strong>According to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine</strong> dated 02.07.2020 № 886 scientific <strong>journal</strong> "Demography and Social Economy"<strong> is included in the Register of scientific professional publications of Ukraine (category "B")</strong></p> <p><strong>Media ID R30-04292</strong></p> <h2 id="h_79239361011623784556186" class="border_bottom">Abstracting and Indexing Services</h2> <p>This journal "Demography and social economy" is included in <strong>11</strong> international and national <a href="">abstracting and indexing databases</a>.</p> <p>Journal «Demography and Social Economy» was assigned a <strong>DOI</strong> (digital object identifier) <strong>CrossRef</strong>: <a href=""></a>.</p> <p>An <a href=";I21DBN=UJRN&amp;P21DBN=UJRN&amp;S21STN=1&amp;S21REF=10&amp;S21FMT=JUU_all&amp;C21COM=S&amp;S21CNR=20&amp;S21P01=0&amp;S21P02=0&amp;S21P03=IJ=&amp;S21COLORTERMS=1&amp;">electronic copy</a> of the journal is kept at the V.I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine </p> <h2 class="border_bottom">Scope</h2> <p><strong>Scientific fields of the journal:</strong></p> <ul type="disc"> <li>Theoretical issues of demography;</li> <li>Demographic processes: birth rate, mortality, marriage and family processes, migration.</li> <li>Socio-demographic structures and population quality;</li> <li>Human development;</li> <li>Formation of social capital;</li> <li>The level and quality of life;</li> <li>Poverty and social reproduction;</li> <li>The labour market;</li> <li>Socio-demographic policy;</li> <li>Gender studies;</li> <li>Socio-demographic forecasting;</li> <li>Quantitative methods in the social and demographic research;</li> <li>Information support for socio-economic and demographic research;</li> <li>Regional socio-demographic research;</li> <li>Social responsibility;</li> <li>financial aspects of the social economy;</li> <li>natural resource economics, civil protection, natural and technogenic security;</li> <li>rational use and protection of natural resource potential;</li> <li>conservation areas and environmental regulation.</li> </ul> <h2 class="border_bottom">Submissions</h2> <p>Deadline for submission of articles to the journal:</p> <ul type="disc"> <li class="show">the first number to <strong>20th of December</strong> (journal submission for publication in March of next year);</li> <li class="show">the second number to <strong>10th of March </strong> (journal submission for publication in June of this year);</li> <li class="show">the third number to <strong>20th of May</strong> (journal submission for publication in September of this year);</li> <li class="show">the fourth number to <strong>10th of September</strong> (journal submission for publication in November of this year).</li> </ul> <p><strong>Publish articles to authors - without pay.</strong></p> Akademperiodyka Publishing House en-US Demography and social economy 2072-9480 SCENARIO MODELING OF SPATIAL REGENERATION OF MACROREGIONAL ZONES OF UKRAINE: SOCIO-ECOLOGICAL-ECONOMIC PRIORITIES OF RECONSTRUCTION <p>The purpose of the study is to develop a scenario approach to modeling the spatial restoration of macro-regional zones of Ukraine, taking into account their social, ecological and economic priorities, in order to create a comprehensive methodology that integrates innovative tools of modeling, analysis and assessment for the formation of hybrid reconstruction strategies that ensure the balanced development of post-war regions. The research is based on systemic, scenario-based, innovative approaches and principles of balanced development, using a wide range of information sources, including official statistics, analytical reports, geoinformation data, regulatory and legal acts, and the experience of post-crisis recovery in other countries. Interdisciplinary methods were used: scenario modeling, spatial and cluster analysis, general equilibrium modeling, sociological, structural-functional, natural-resource and ecological assessments. The scientific novelty consists in the creation of the concept of seven macro-regional zones of post-war spatial reconstruction of Ukraine: the Activation Zone, the Transistor Zone, the Eastern and Southern Decompression Lines, the Western Excitation Zone, the Central Modernization Zone and the South-Eastern Industrial Belt. For the first time, hybrid reconstruction scenarios up to 2030 are proposed for each zone, synchronizing social, environmental and economic aspects, taking into account current challenges, including climate change, post-war reintegration and infrastructure modernization. An innovative approach to the formation of industrial clusters, such as the South-Eastern Industrial Belt, is proposed, integrating spatial planning, international logistics networks and innovative economic models. A multi-level complex of mechanisms for the implementation of hybrid scenarios has been developed, which includes social dialogue, environmental monitoring, cognitive and informational support, innovation policy and integration into the European Research Area. The proposed approaches harmonize national interests with the Sustainable Development Goals, contributing to the adaptation of macro-regions to internal and external challenges, ensuring Ukraine’s resilience, competitiveness and quality of life in the postwar period.</p> <p>REFERENCES / ЛІТЕРАТУРА</p> <p>1 O’Connor, M., MacFarlane, M., Fisher, J., MacRae, D., &amp; Lefroy, T. (2005). The Avon river Basin in 2050: scenario planning in the Western Australian Wheatbelt. 2005. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. Vol. 56 (6), 563—580.</p> <p>2 Griffon, S., Auclair, D., Nespoulous, A. (2010). Visualising Changes in Agricultural Landscapes. In: Brouwer, F., Ittersum, M. (eds) Environmental and Agricultural Modelling. Springer, Dordrecht.</p> <p>3 Gueneralp, B., &amp; Barlas, Y. (2003). Dynamic modelling of a shallow freshwater lake for ecological and economic sustainability. Ecological Modelling, 167 (1—2), 115—138.</p> <p>4 Bryant, B. P., &amp; Lempert, R. J. (2010). 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The novelty of the research results consists in disclosing the influence of global threats and risks on human capital development, with focus on environmental problems, pandemics, economic crises, increasing unevenness of socio-economic development of countries and regions of the world. The research relies on the methods of system analysis, scientific generalizations, cross-country comparisons, and economic and statistical analysis. The article reveals that the development of human society is affected by the global environmental problem associated with the change of the natural environment produced by human economic activity, which leads to the disruption of the structure and functioning of natural systems, the depletion of resources, and pollution of territories, all of these negatively affecting human development. The Covid-19 pandemic was a significant challenge for human society worldwide, which had a notable impact on economic and social development, caused a reduction in production and employment, a drop in incomes, and affected the state of health, thus determining a decline of the global Human Development Index — for the first time in 30 years of its existence. Economic crises, which are accompanied by economic recession, rising unemployment and prices, falling incomes and well-being, have a significant impact on human development, which reveals itself in the negative HDI changes in most countries. The uneven socio-economic development of countries and regions of the world has a negative impact on human development. It is manifested in the uneven distribution of resources and wealth, unequal access to education and profession, as well as in significant gaps in such important basic rights and opportunities as the right to life, freedom of choice, employment, etc. The solution of existing global problems and ensuring stability and development at the international level are to be attained within the framework of the global governance system, the core of which represent the UN and its institutions. This makes vital the development and reformation of global institutions to regulate international political, economic and social relations in accordance with the new conditions of human society development. The study of these issues is necessary to identify new global trends in the development of an effective development policy at the national and global level.</p> <p>REFERENCES / ЛІТЕРАТУРА</p> <p>1. Khvesyk, М. A. (2019). Environmental Economics: Development Vectors. 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Statista.;utm_campaign=c9f456cf43-All_InfographTicke</p> Svitlana Sidenko Copyright (c) 2025 PH «Akademperiodyka» of the NAS of Ukraine 2025-03-24 2025-03-24 59 1 55 72 SOCIAL DIALOGUE IN THE CONTEXT OF POST-WAR DEVELOPMENT AND EUROPEAN INTEGRATION OF UKRAINE <p>The article is devoted to the study of the state and problems of the development of social dialogue in Ukraine in the context of the priorities of post-war development and the prospects of European integration. The study generalized approaches to understanding social dialogue within the framework of institutional theory as a collective action, the purpose of which is to control, release and expand individual action, establish and ensure compliance with the rules that determine the complex of mutual economic relations between the state, trade unions and employers’ organizations. The purpose of this article is to study the current trends of social dialogue in Ukraine and determine the main priorities of its development in the context of post-war development and prospects for European integration. The scientific novelty of the study is the substantiation of the methodological approach to the study of social dialogue within the framework of institutional theory, the determination of key trends in its development in the process of post-war development of Ukraine based on modern international approaches and in the context of the prospects of European integration, which includes the analysis of statistical and empirical data on the level of employee participation in trade unions and their coverage by collective bargaining in Ukraine and European Union countries, the number of collective agreements registered in Ukraine, indicators of employee coverage by collective agreements, etc. To achieve the defined goal, the following research methods are applied: comparative and statistical analysis of data, graphical method of presenting results — for quantitative assessment and research on indicators of social dialogue; methods of the system approach, logical analysis, induction and deduction, generalization and analogy — in the justification and development of a methodological approach to the study of social dialogue in Ukraine in the context of post-war development and prospects for European integration. On the basis of international and national statistical data, the dynamics of indicators of social dialogue in Ukraine and European Union countries were analyzed. The main problems causing insufficient effectiveness of the social dialogue are identified, the solution of which is necessary for the post-war development and European integration of Ukraine. These are: reduction in the level of worker coverage by trade unions and the narrowing scope of agreements; the concentration of most of the contractual regulation of collective labor relations in the pub lic sector, which has limited financial opportunities to increase the level of social and economic guarantees for employees; non-compliance by the government with the legally defined norms and rules of conducting social dialogue, the actual multi-year blocking of the work of the National tripartite socio-economic council; legislative changes to the approaches to determining the essence and structure of the minimum wage, including therein other components of wages, apart from the tariff part; the imposition of a legal regime of martial law with significant restrictions on the rights of workers and the activities of institutions of social dialogue.</p> <p>REFERENCES / ЛІТЕРАТУРА</p> <p>1 Makeev, S. (2022). Institutional landscape of martial law. 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ILO.</p> <p>17 Trade Unions Worldwide (2023). QERY.</p> <p>18 Kostrytsia, V. I., Burlai, T. V., &amp; Blyznyuk, V. V. (2024). Deformations of the institution of social dialogue in Ukraine as a factor of social desolidarization. Economic theory, 3, 24—53.</p> <p>[Костриця, В. І., Бурлай, Т. В., &amp; Близнюк, В. В. (2024). Деформації інституту соціального діалогу в Україні як чинник суспільної десолідаризації. Економічна теорія, 3, 24—53].</p> <p>19 Statistics on social dialogue (2024). ILOSTAT.</p> <p>20 Labour of Ukraine 2017 (2018). Statistical databook. State Statistics Service of Ukraine</p> <p>[Праця України 2017 (2018). Стат. збірник. Держстат України].</p> <p>21 Labour of Ukraine 2021 (2022). Statistical databook. State Statistics Service of Ukraine</p> <p>[Праця України 2021 (2022). Стат. збірник. Держстат України].</p> <p>22 Labour of Ukraine 2012 (2013). Statistical databook. State Statistics Service of Ukraine</p> <p>[Праця України 2012 (2013). Стат. збірник. Держстат України].</p> <p>23 Labour of Ukraine 2014 (2015). Statistical databook. State Statistics Service of Ukraine</p> <p>[Праця України 2014 (2015). Стат. збірник. Держстат України].</p> <p>24 Labour of Ukraine 2016 (2017). Statistical databook. State Statistics Service of Ukraine</p> <p>[Праця України 2016 (2017). Стат. збірник. Держстат України].</p> <p>25 Labour of Ukraine 2013 (2014). Statistical databook. State Statistics Service of Ukraine</p> <p>[Праця України 2013 (2014). Стат. збірник. Держстат України].</p> <p>26 Labour of Ukraine 2015 (2016). Statistical databook. State Statistics Service of Ukraine</p> <p>[Праця України 2015 (2016). Стат. збірник. Держстат України].</p> <p>27 Labour of Ukraine 2018 (2019). Statistical databook. State Statistics Service of Ukraine</p> <p>[Праця України 2018 (2019). Стат. збірник. Держстат України].</p> <p>28 Labour of Ukraine 2019 (2020). Statistical databook. State Statistics Service of Ukraine</p> <p>[Праця України 2019 (2020). Стат. збірник. Держстат України].</p> <p>29 Labour of Ukraine 2020 (2021). Statistical databook. State Statistics Service of Ukraine</p> <p>[Праця України 2020 (2021). Стат. збірник. Держстат України].</p> <p>30 Activities of large, medium, small and micro enterprises. 2022 (2023). Statistical collection. State Statistics Service of Ukraine. Kyiv.</p> <p>[Діяльність суб’єктів великого, середнього, малого та мікропідприємництва. 2022. (2023). Статистичний збірник. Держстат України. Київ].</p> <p>31 Social dialogue in Ukraine in the context of signing the Association Agreement: challenges and proposals (2014). Bureau of Social and Political Development. Kyiv.</p> <p>[Соціальний діалог в Україні в контексті підписання Угоди про Асоціацію: виклики і пропозиції (2014). Бюро соціальних і політичних розробок. Київ].</p> <p>32 Ukraine: ITUC solidarity visit (2024). International Trade Union Confederation. https://</p> Iryna Novak Copyright (c) 2025 PH «Akademperiodyka» of the NAS of Ukraine 2025-03-24 2025-03-24 59 1 73 93 STUDY OF THE SCIENTIFIC POTENTIAL OF UKRAINE: ANALYTICAL REVIEW OF THE RESULTS OF THE «YOUNG SCIENTIST OF THE YEAR» COMPETITION <p>Under complex socio-economic conditions, young scientific personnel represent a key factor in maintaining the current level of economic functionality in the country and ensuring its further innovative development. Recent negative trends, including the emigration of productive forces, funding constraints, and the scientific passivity of youth, highlight the urgent need to develop mechanisms and instruments for preserving and enhancing the state’s scientific assets. However, any managerial decision, particularly those related to policies aimed at stimulating the development of scientific potential, is impossible without a thorough assessment of the actual state of affairs — namely, an analysis of both the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the country’s scientific personnel and an evaluation of its scientific potential. Currently, there is a significant variability in approaches to such assessments, including direct evaluation methods such as surveys. However, all existing approaches have limitations and specificities (e.g., incomplete, inaccurate, irrelevant, or overly generalized information). Therefore, the analysis of statistical data from the “Young Scientist of the Year” competition for 2021—2024 and the forecasting of trends in the development of scientific disciplines, supplemented by an informational basis for policy formulation aimed at strengthening Ukraine’s scientific potential, constituted the primary objective of this study. The novelty of this research lies in outlining the prospects for utilizing statistical data from youth competitions like “Young Scientist of the Year” as a foundational element for a systematic assessment of productive scientific personnel. The study establishes that retrospective analyses of statistical data from such competitions among young scientists can significantly contribute to the dataset on Ukraine’s scientific potential, thereby reducing risks and uncertainties in decision-making by stakeholders. The study evaluates the research activity of young scientists across scientific fields, identifying a strong scientific potential in the humanities, particularly in “Economics,” “Pedagogy,” “Ecology,” and “Environmental Protection.” Based on the analyzed data, forecasts for young scientists’ activity over the next four years indicate a relative stability in the development of science in Ukraine. The findings emphasize the necessity of stimulating the formation of scientific personnel within higher education institutions and research institutions, particularly among Doctor of Science holders. Additionally, the study confirms the importance of scientific publications as a key indicator in assessing scientific potential. It is established that scientific activities such as internships and grant participation require substantial support to enhance the research capabilities of young scholars.</p> <p>REFERENCES / ЛІТЕРАТУРА</p> <p>1 Ukrainian refugees. Future abroad and plans for return. Analytical note (2024). Centre for economic strategy. Kyiv.</p> <p>[Українські біженці. Майбутнє за кордоном та плани на повернення. Аналітична записка (2024). Центр економічної стратегії. Київ. 104 с.].</p> <p>2 How can we help you? (2024). Office of the Support of the Scientist.</p> <p>[Як ми можемо вам допомогти? (2024). Офіс Підтримки Вченого].</p> <p>3 Council of Young Scientists under the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2024).</p> <p>[Рада молодих учених при Міністерстві освіти і науки України (2024)].</p> <p>4 Baboval, N. R. (2016). Formation of the scientific and pedagogical potential of a higher education institution as a component of the market of educational services. Scientific Works of Kirovograd National Technical University. Economic Sciences, 30, 88—101</p> <p>[Бабовал, Н. Р. (2016). Формування науково-педагогічного потенціалу вищого навчального закладу як складової ринку освітніх послуг. Наукові праці Кіровоградського національного технічного університету. Економічні науки, 30, 88—101].</p> <p>5 Humeniuk, Yu. P. (2013). Educational and scientific potential of Ukraine from the aspect of international movement of human capital. Economy of Industry, 4 (64), 174—180.</p> <p>[Гуменюк, Ю. П. (2013). Освітньо-науковий потенціал України в аспекті між на родного руху людського капіталу. Економіка промисловості, 4 (64), 174—180].</p> <p>6 Artyomov, I., &amp; Lyashko, M. (2023). European integration aspects of higher education of Ukraine in the context of modern challenges and trends. Geopolitics of Ukraine: history and modern times, 1 (30), 44—55.</p> <p>[Артьомов, І., &amp; Ляшко, М. (2023). Євроінтеграційні аспекти вищої освіти України в контексті сучасних викликів і трендів. Геополітика України: історія і сучасність, 1 (30), 44—55].</p> <p>7 Kvasha, N. A. (2018). Мodern methods of evaluating scientific potential. 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Між народний науковий журнал «Університет і лідерство», 11, 132—143].</p> <p>10 Stankevych, I. V. (2007). The rating system for the evaluation of employees in ensuring the quality of the educational organization’s activities. Business inform, 9, 93—100.</p> <p>[Станкевич, І. В. (2007). Рейтингова система оцінювання працівників у забезпеченні якості діяльності освітньої організації. Бізнес інформ, 9, 93—100].</p> <p>11 Information and analytical materials On the possibilities of involving scientific personnel with the IDP status to carry out scientific activities on related topics in higher education institutions and scientific institutions of Ukraine outside the place of their main work and on the state of conditions and possibilities of conducting professional activities of scientific and scientific and pedagogical workers under martial law, including scientific activities of young scientists (2023). MES. Kyiv. 19 p.</p> <p>[Інформаційно-аналітичні матеріали про можливості залучення наукових кадрів із статусом ВПО до провадження наукової діяльності за суміжними тематиками в закладах вищої освіти та наукових установах України не за місцем їх основної роботи та про стан умов та можливостей провадження професійної діяльності наукових та науково-педагогічних працівників в умовах воєнного стану, в тому числі наукової діяльності молодих вчених (2023). МОН. Київ. 19 с.].</p> <p>12 Galushchak, M. P., Galushchak, O. Ya., &amp; Kuzhda, T. I. (2021). Forecasting socio-economic processes: a study guide for economic majors. Ternopil: Palanytsia Individual Entrepreneur. 160 p.</p> <p>[Галущак, М. П., Галущак, О. Я., &amp; Кужда, Т. І. (2021). Прогнозування соціальноеко номічних процесів: навчальний посібник для економічних спеціальностей. Тернопіль: ФОП Паляниця. 160 с.].</p> <p>13 Young Scientist of the Year (2024).</p> <p>[Молодий вчений року (2024).].</p> Оlena Levanda Tamara Mahanova Copyright (c) 2025 PH «Akademperiodyka» of the NAS of Ukraine 2025-03-24 2025-03-24 59 1 94 108 THE IMPACT OF THE COMMERCIAL AND CIVIL SOCIETY SECTORS ON THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC ACTIVITY OF UKRAINIAN COMMUNITIES <p>In the current conditions of decentralization, there is an urgent need to find effective mechanisms for interaction between the state, business, and civil society to address the challenges of territorial community development. Using spatial thinking and systems analysis, as well as methods of induction and deduction, statistical grouping, and comparison, the article evaluates the dynamics of the number of companies and civil society organizations established in the Kyiv region over the past ten years. The analysis of community samples and the linear trends constructed have demonstrated the negative impact of the military-political situation, socio-economic conditions, and infrastructural changes on the activity of non-governmental and commercial institutions. The purpose of the article is to justify the synergy of efforts between business and civil society organizations in the development of Ukrainian communities and to present measures aimed at increasing financial capacity and enhancing the social capital of communities. Differences in business environment indicators among urban, settlement, and rural communities are argued, confirming the need for individual deve lopment strategies for each type of community. The conclusions drawn regarding the strategic significance of budgetary instruments for strengthening regional potential within the context of cross-sectoral partnerships constitute the scientific novelty of the research.</p> <p>The article analyzes the dynamics of companies and civil society organizations established in the territorial communities of the Kyiv region of Ukraine from 2015 to 2024. It identifies types of communities with a significant downward trend in the studied indicators. The reasons for the decline in socio-economic activity in territorial communities, based on the analysis of their business environment in 2023, are determined. The necessity of considering population size in calculating community capacity and the number of active taxpayers is emphasized. Proposals are provided to stimulate cooperation between business and civil society organizations for the success of post-war recovery programs.</p> <p>REFERENCES / ЛІТЕРАТУРА</p> <p><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">1. Pearson, A., Starnino, C., &amp; Potvin, F. (2024). Intersectoral collaboration and partnership framework. Observatoire québécois de la proche aidance. March 2024. CIUSSS du CentreOuest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal.</span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">2.Nechiporuk, L. (2022). Intersectoral cooperation in the provision of social services in wartime. Theory and practice of social systems management, 4, 65—73.</span></p> <p>[Нечипорук, Л. (2022). Міжсекторна взаємодія у наданні соціальних послуг в умовах війни. Теорія і практика управління соціальними системами, 4, 65—73].</p> <p><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">3. Mackiewicz, H., &amp; Spodarczyk, E. (2022). Benefits from the cooperation of non-governmental organizations with enterprises and durability of cooperation. Management, 26 (2), 24—40.</span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">4. Raisiene, A. G., &amp; Baranauskaite, L. (2018). Investigating complexity of intersectoral col laboration: contextual framework for research. Contemporary Research on Organiza tion Management and Administration, 6 (1), 79—89.</span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">5. Bódi, D.-C. (2024). Fundraising and Social Marketing in the Non-governmental Organizations. In: Kavoura, A., Borges-Tiago, T., Tiago, F. (eds). Strategic Innovative Marketing and Tourism. ICSIMAT 2023. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springer, Cham.</span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">6. Bódi, D.-C. (2023). Challenges and opportunities of non-governmental organizations. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series VII. 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Економіка та суспільство, 56].</p> <p><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">20. Collection of stories “Civil society, business and government — best practices of cooperation” (2022). ISAR Ednannia. 78 р.</span></p> <p>[Збірник історій «Громадянське суспільство, бізнес та влада — кращі практики співпраці» (2022). ІСАР Єднання. 78 с.].</p> <p><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">21. Oliyarnyk, V. V., &amp; Biriushov, D. M. (2024). Mechanisms of public-private partnership at the local level. Efficiency of public administration, 1/2 (78/79), 33—38.</span></p> <p>[Оліярник, В. В., &amp; Бірюшов, Д. М. (2024). Механізми державно-приватного партнерства на місцевому рівні. 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This approach does not assume that household members can act and make decisions independently, in particular regarding the consumption of goods and services, or significantly influence such decisions of other household members; the peculiarities of the distribution of resources between household members are not taken into account. Against the background of the discussion about the shortcomings of the unitary model, scientists have proposed a non-unitary approach, which takes into account that household members may have their own preferences that differ from each other, and that decision-making processes in households are complex phenomena that deserve special attention. In Ukraine, a non-unitary approach in modelling the socio-economic behavior of households has not become widely used, thus to assess the relevance and possibility of its application on Ukrainian data, it is relevant to study international theoretical and empirical researches into the economic behavior of households in consuming goods and services, producing and consuming their own products, forming savings, making investments, etc., based on a collective approach. The main purpose of the article is to study the international experience of developing and using collective models of household consumption behavior and to determine the most relevant areas of their application. The theoretical basis of the study is the general methods of scientific inquiry, such as systematization and theoretical generalization, scientific abstraction, comparison, argumentation, analysis and synthesis, etc. The most relevant areas of application of collective models of household consumption behavior are the study of such issues as labour supply, consumption and savings, household production and distribution of goods among its members, the level of poverty, etc.</p> <p>REFERENCES / ЛІТЕРАТУРА</p> <p><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">1. Mattila-Wiro, P. (1999). Economics Theories of the Household: A Critical Review. WIDER Working Paper Series, WP-1999-159. World Institute for Development Eco nomic Research (UNU-WIDER).</span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">2. Chiappori, P.-A. (1988). Rational Household Labor Supply. Econometrica, 56 (1), 63—90.</span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">3. Browning, M., Bourguignon, F., Chiappori, P.-A., &amp; Lechene, V. (1994). Income and Outcomes: A Structural Model of Intrahousehold Allocation. The Journal of Political Economy, 102 (6), 1067—1096.</span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">4. Kooreman, P., &amp; Wunderink, S. (1997). The Economics of Household Behavior. Macmillan Press LTD, London.</span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">5. Donni, O., &amp; Chiappori, P. A. (2011). Nonunitary Models of Household Behavior: A Survey of the Literature. In: Molina, J. (eds). Household Economic Behaviors. International Series on Consumer Science, 1—40. Springer. New York.</span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">6. Sarioglo, V., &amp; Korotkova, D. (2023). Models of Household Consumer Behavior: Evolution from Unitary to Collective. Demography and Social Economy, 3 (53), 79—96.</span></p> <p>[Саріогло, В., &amp; Короткова, Д. (2023). Моделі споживчої поведінки домогосподарств: еволюція від унітарних до колективних. Демографія та соціальна економіка, 3 (53), 79—96].</p> <p>7. Chiuri, M. C. (2000). Individual decisions and household demand for consumption and leisure. Research in Economics, 54 (3), 277—324.</p> <p><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">8. Boone, J., der Wiel, K.v., &amp; Soest, A.v. et al. (2014). Kinky choices, dictators and split might: a non-cooperative model for household consumption and labor supply. IZA J Labor Econ, 3, 11.</span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">9. Phipps, S. A., &amp; Burton, P. S. (1998). What’s Mine is Yours? The Influence of Male and Female Incomes on Patterns of Household Expenditure. Economica, 65 (260), 599—613.</span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">10. Lundberg, S. J., Pollak, R. A., &amp; Wales, T. J. (1997). Do Husbands and Wives Pool Their Resources? Evidence from the United Kingdom Child Benefit. The Journal of Human Resources, 32 (3), 463—480.</span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">11. Haddad, L., Hoddinott, J., &amp; Alderman, H. (eds). (1997). 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The novelty is the generalization of transformational shifts in the territorial community thanks to the implementation of project activities. The article uses general scientific research methods: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization.</p> <p>The significance of the project activity in the border regions is substantiated primarily in the context of the development of cross-border cooperation, inter-municipal partnership, with the aim of improving the quality of life and common living conditions of the population, preserving the demographic and natural resource potential of nature conservation areas, in particular within the Kolochava territorial community. It was found that the development of project activities in the community with the possibility of creating new jobs, with the involvement of war veterans, individual entrepreneurs, IDPs, and youth becomes significant. The cohesion of the population through the implementation of social projects contributes to the growth of trust in local authorities, the strengthening of social integration and stress resistance in war conditions. Taking into account the transformational changes in the development of the community, a questionnaire was designed and an assessment of the project activity was carried out in terms of the possibilities of the priority areas of the territorial community’s development. The survey was conducted in late July — early August 2024, with 51 respondents having taken part in it. In the course of the survey, the problems toward which the project activities should be directed were identified, the foremost among them are: modernization of general education institutions, cleaning of water bodies, development of alternative energy sources. The role of international cooperation in the implementation of larger projects is considered. In particular, during the implementation of the project “World of Carpathian rosettes — measures to preserve the unique culture of the Carpathians”. Attention is focused on the significant role in the implementation of projects, especially in wartime conditions, of the community’s long-term cooperation with the Czech charity organization “PresHranice z.s.”.</p> <p>REFERENCES / ЛІТЕРАТУРА</p> <p>1. Zaiats, T., &amp; Kraievska, H. (2024). Intersectoral Cooperation in the Context of Social Development of Territorial Communities of Ukraine. Demography and Social Economy, 1 (55), 59—77.</p> <p>[Заяць Т. А., &amp; Краєвська Г. О. (2024). Міжсекторальна співпраця в контексті соціального розвитку територіальних громад України. Демографія та соціальна економіка, 1 (55), 59—77].</p> <p>2. Kraievska, H. (2023). Institutional aspects of the development of social capital of territorial communities in Ukraine Demography and Social Economy, 4 (54), 21—37.</p> <p>[Краєвська, Г. О. (2023). 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Kolochava community — 2020— 2025.</p> <p>[«Колочавські медові стежки» — новий пішохідний маршрут (2021). Колочавська громада — 2020—2025].</p> <p>15. The territory of the Kolochava general practice and family medicine dispensary was equip ped with grant funds (2020). Kolochava community — 2020—2025.</p> <p>[Територію Колочавської амбулаторії ЗПСМ облаштовано за грантові кошти (2020). Колочавська громада — 2020—2025].</p> <p>16. Canada. 2023—2026 Data Strategy for the Federal Public Service (2024). The official website of the Government of Canada.</p> Liliia Holovko Vasyl Khudynets Tamila Holovko Copyright (c) 2025 PH «Akademperiodyka» of the NAS of Ukraine 2025-03-24 2025-03-24 59 1 35 54